Tuesday 17 February 2009

Crossref-it.info hits the national media

In an interview published in today's Guardian, Andrew Motion, the poet laureate, makes the point that, without a knowledge of the Bible it will be difficult to understand the very concepts that lie at the centre of English literature.

"Take any of the metaphysical poets, almost any of the Victorian poets," he says. "Even reading the great romantics like Keats requires you to know things about the Fall, who some of the people in the Bible are, ideas of sinfulness and virtue."

The article also mentions that "If Motion is correct, today's newly qualified teachers may themselves have limited knowledge of the Bible, so how can they be expected to integrate this in their teaching? Accessing suitable teaching resources could be problematic. Aside from the Cross Reference Project, which ... provides resources to help students to understand how literature has been shaped by the Bible, there is little out there." (Italics added)

The Cross Reference Project, or Crossref-it.info is a free comprehensive English Literature website that contains interactive A-Level study guides, background material, literary analysis, essay and exam help and more - geared towards helping students succeed in their exams and course work.

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