Thursday 23 April 2009

Full text of Jane Eyre

Is it not funny how we still cling to doing things the old way. I mean, who still sits around trying to revise while frantically trying to hold open two books - the text and the synopsis / commentary. Desperately trying to remember where they left off each time they go back and forth between the two books... The answer is probably: most people. As if revising for exams wasn't hard enough as it is!

Enter In the Jane Eyre text guide, you can now bring up the full text of Jane Eyre with just one click in the red 'Related texts' box. Better still, instead of navigating away from the synopsis page, it simply opens an overlay box - when you're done reading, simply click on 'close' and you will find yourself right back where you came from - the synopsis page.

We are looking at rolling this feature out more widely across some of the text guides. Are there any texts you would particularly like us to cover? Either post a comment on the blog, or email

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